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Økologiske produkter

100% certificeret økologisk bomuld

Hæklede bamser

Oeko-Tex 100 certificeret bambusgarn

Velkommen til natureZOO

Velkommen til den officielle natureZOO brand site og online shop.

Vi er et dansk brand fra Islands Brygge, som blev startet af forældrene Vibeke & Philippe i 2010.

Vores fundament bygger på en passion for kun den bedste kvalitet og stor fokus på sikkerhed indenfor legetøj og tilbehør til vores børn og babyer.

Vi går ikke på kompromis med kvaliteten eller med sikkerheden, og så gør det bestemt ikke noget, at både børn og forældre er vilde med designet.

Vi elsker naturens skønne univers af forunderlige dyr – derfor finder du rigtigt mange dyr i vores sortiment.

Vores hæklede produkter er håndlavede – de er hæklet af super blødt Oeko-Tex 100 certificeret bambusgarn, fordi vi kun bruger de bedste materialer.

Vores nye økologiske linje er 100% økologisk – det er ikke kun det udvendige materiale, der er økologisk bomuld. Selve fyldet er også økologisk bomuld, fordi vi kun vil have det allerbedste.

Følg natureZOO på instagram

Remember to get 10% OFF your entire purchase!
Use the code: XMAS2024 at checkout.

Hurry up and find the perfect Christmas gift for the little ones! ❤️🧸

Shop now: www.naturezooshop.com

Happy shopping and merry Christmas from the natureZOO team❣️

#naturezoo #naturezoodk #sweetdeals #discount #babyandkids #baby #kids #danishdesign #toys #christmas #teddybear #copenhagen

Remember to get 10% OFF your entire purchase!
Use the code: XMAS2024 at checkout.

Hurry up and find the perfect Christmas gift for the little ones! ❤️🧸

Shop now: www.naturezooshop.com

Happy shopping and merry Christmas from the natureZOO team❣️

#naturezoo #naturezoodk #sweetdeals #discount #babyandkids #baby #kids #danishdesign #toys #christmas #teddybear #copenhagen

13 0
Shop now and save -10% on everything! Use this code: XMAS2024 at checkout 🤎❄️

🎁 Free gift wrapping for the perfect present

🍼 -30% OFF all organic stroller mobiles

P.S. Remember to participate in our Advent giveaway on our page for a chance to win 3 of our adorable gifts ♥️

👉 Explore now at www.naturezooshop.com

#naturezoo #naturezoodk #sweetdeals #discount #babyandkids #baby #kids #danishdesign #toys #christmas #teddybear #copenhagen #strollermobile

Shop now and save -10% on everything! Use this code: XMAS2024 at checkout 🤎❄️

🎁 Free gift wrapping for the perfect present

🍼 -30% OFF all organic stroller mobiles

P.S. Remember to participate in our Advent giveaway on our page for a chance to win 3 of our adorable gifts ♥️

👉 Explore now at www.naturezooshop.com

#naturezoo #naturezoodk #sweetdeals #discount #babyandkids #baby #kids #danishdesign #toys #christmas #teddybear #copenhagen #strollermobile

11 0
The winner has been selected. ✨Happy First of advent!🎄
Kick off the festive season with our special Advent competition! Your chance to win our exclusive products valued at 87 Euro. ✨

The winner will win all 3 products:
1 Super Soft XL Teddy Bear
1 Crochet Teddy Bear
1 Crochet Rattle Stick. 

In order to participate: 
1. Like this post 
2. Follow this page
3. Comment with a ❤️ emoji
Feel free to tag a friend to share it with♥️

We will draw 1 lucky winner on December 24th.

The winner can choose different colors within the same category of our products if preferred. 

This competition sponsored by natureZoo and is not associated with Meta. 

Good luck and merry Christmas 🤶🏻❣️

#naturezoo #baby #sweetdeals #blackweek #naturezoodk #toys #danishdesign #kids #advent #adventgiveaway #christmasgiveaway #teddybear #christmas #copenhagen

The winner has been selected. ✨Happy First of advent!🎄
Kick off the festive season with our special Advent competition! Your chance to win our exclusive products valued at 87 Euro. ✨

The winner will win all 3 products:
1 Super Soft XL Teddy Bear
1 Crochet Teddy Bear
1 Crochet Rattle Stick.

In order to participate:
1. Like this post
2. Follow this page
3. Comment with a ❤️ emoji
Feel free to tag a friend to share it with♥️

We will draw 1 lucky winner on December 24th.

The winner can choose different colors within the same category of our products if preferred.

This competition sponsored by natureZoo and is not associated with Meta.

Good luck and merry Christmas 🤶🏻❣️

#naturezoo #baby #sweetdeals #blackweek #naturezoodk #toys #danishdesign #kids #advent #adventgiveaway #christmasgiveaway #teddybear #christmas #copenhagen

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